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The breeders listing is a mission statement from each breeder.  BICA provides no guarantee as to the accuracy of any information on the breeders listing.  We encourage you to research breeders, pedigrees etc by using the Bracco Italiano database (link below).

The BICA Breeder Listing Service is provided as a courtesy to its members and potential buyers. The BICA or its Officers do not recommend, guarantee, endorse, nor rate breeders, their kennels, or their stock. We also do not examine individual dogs. Buyers beware in all instances.”


"DISCLAIMER: The Bracco Italiano Club of America accepts no responsibility for puppies/dogs that are purchased as a result of contact through our breeder listings. The BICA will not be held responsible for any conflict that may occur, and by use of this list you expressly agree that you release the BICA from any and all claims and waive any and all damages, liability and expense. By using this service you acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept the statements above, accept the limitations and conditions set out above and release the BICA, its officers, agents or representatives of any claims arising out of use of this web site."

To register as a BICA member breeder, please email the club Secretary to file an application.  This is an annual process an updated form must be submitted by the end of January for each year as well as the annual fee to be listed.

2023 Listing of BICA Breeders:
K. Caudill Web Ad Final Revised.png
J. Kavalier Web Ad2021.png
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